Questions & answers about Smart Homes at Smartopmax
What’s the name of the app?
The app for products is called Tuya Smart.
Is the app free?
Yes, the app is free and compatible with both iOS and Android.
Read more about Tuya Smart via Google Play >>
Read more Tuya Smart via App Store >>
Which networks are supported?
All networks that use 2.4GHz WiFi frequency.
The app can’t find the device I want to pair, what should I do?
A good WiFi network is the foundation of a good working home. Make sure you have a 2.4GHz WiFi network. In some cases, walls can interfere with the connection so stand as close to the router as possible; it can make things easier. If this does not help, you may need to repeat the steps of the pairing operation.
Can I add more than one device at a time?
Yes, you only need to add one device of a specific product type first, such as a lamp. After that, you can use the “Search for Device” feature in the app and all devices that are in pairing mode (flashes) will appear at the same time.
Where can I find the manual for my Smart Home device?
All manuals can be found under Manuals and Documents on the respective product page here
Which voice assistants are supported?
Most products work with Google Assistant & Amazon Alexa.
After you connect your Smart Home account to either Google Home or Amazon Alexa, you can control your devices wherever you are, as long as you have access to the internet.
Will more Smart Home products be released in the future?
Yes, we will expand the range gradually with new products. The range may vary between our Biltema department stores, but all are always available on biltema.se. Keep an eye out!
How can I use Smart Homes both at home and in the summer cottage?
Just create a new “Home” in the app (Profile – Manage your home – Create home) and name it Summercottage and you can switch between the different homes and products in each home. There are different networks that you connect to but everything is controlled in the same app. Smart, huh?
Where can I get help if my question is not listed?
You can always ask your question or send feedback to us.